Nicole is a gifted public speaker and educator.
Nicole is smart, engaging and funny. She is known for her big picture thinking and her knack of simplifying abstract legal and technical knowledge into easily accessible concepts.
Nicole is frequently asked to chair meetings, facilitate conferences or present at legal conferences. She brings her lense in Anishinabek law and wellness to all the presentations she gives.
Her most recent speaking engagements include:

Law Society of Ontario, "Mental Health for Legal Professionals" (May 2023)
Ontario Youth Peoples Council for the Chiefs of Ontario "Nation Building and Governance" (March 2023)
Biidaban Health Centre Women's Wellness Conference "Being your Best Self: Emotional Awareness and Building your Strengths" (March 2023)
Nishnawbe Aski Nation Jordan's Principle Training "Organizational Wellness 101" (March 2023)
Nokiiwin Tribal Council "Indigenous Legal Traditions and Community Engagement" Thunder Bay (February 2023)
"Indigenous Legal Traditions" Association for Continuing Legal Education 2023 Mid-Year Meeting, New Orleans, USA. (January 2023)
Law Society of Ontario, 25th Estates and Trusts Summit (October 2022)
Lakehead University, "The role for allies in reconciliation" (September 2022) Available: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6_BA5SmeAuo
Oshdeebeganwin: Talking Treaties, Thunder Bay Art Gallery (July 2022) Available: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yEn8E-egPyU&t=2445s
Canadian Bar Association, Spotlight on Anti-Black and Anti-Indigenous Racism within the Education System (May 2022)
Law Society of Ontario, Mental Health Summit for Legal Professionals (May 2022)
Bora Laskin Faculty of Law, Instructor, Indigenous Legal Traditions (September 2021 - April 2022)
Law Society of Ontario, Indigenous Law Issues (April 2022)
Law Society of Ontario, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion for Indigenous Peoples (November 2021)
Lakehead University, "Anishinabek Treaty Responsibility to the Land" (October 2021) Available: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=isQmsFhgT0w
Lakehead University, "Treaties, Curriculum and Anishinaabe pedagogy" (September 2021) Available: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G_OPWj0fnjg&t=3032s
Law Society of Ontario, The Annotated Will (January 2021)